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Early Detection


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A variety of metrics for the index of periodontal health.

Assessment of Symbiosis / Dysbiosis


The relationship of health and disease-related bacteria indicates symbiotic or dysbiotic conditions. An assessment of progression is only possible on the basis of the early assessment of the symbiosis / dysbiosis in the oral microbiome.

Rating of Richness


Knowledge of the composition of the subgingival flora allows conclusions about the microbial diversity in the oral microbiome.

Rating of Evenness


Knowledge of the distribution of each bacteria in the oral microbiome allows an assessment of the balance of different species.

Classification of pathogenicity


The identification of indicator bacteria with high pathogenic potential allows the classification of pathogenicity in the oral microbiome.

Determination of Aa-Serotypes


Evidence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans a, b, c, d, e and f in the subgingival flora is the basis for individual antibiotic therapy.

Detection of antibiotic resistent genes


The routine analysis of existing antibiotic resistance genes provides important information for optimized antibiotic therapy. 


Latest technology for determining the health status before and during periodontitis

PADOBIOM® uses Next Generation Sequencing


Check Up




Detect early signs of periodontal dysbiosis.


Identify rapidly progressing periodontitis.

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